Ski Restart in Shiga Prince

Ski Restart in Shiga Prince
元黒姫プロスキースクール校長が滑る”Ski Restart in Prince”無事終了しました。






ウェア・ブーツ・小物・ザックなど実用的で、しかもオシャレなグッズがお得に揃うインターネットショップです。 是非、ご覧ください!




昨年の冬も、海外からのお客様を中心に大変ご好評を頂きました。旅や市兵衛のプライベートチャーターは、空港~長野県及びスキーリゾートへの貸切ですが、その特徴はなんと言っても、目的地までの間に1か所、お好きな場所での立ち寄りができること!長野近隣の観光や文化、食、雪遊びなどを楽しむ時間にも充てて頂くことができます。合言葉は「Discover with us!Deep History in Japan」


Our 2018 winter season chartered private rimousine advertisement  1  2  is completed.Our private charter remousine is from airport to NAGANO,Snowresort. The greatest features is possible to drop by one place on the way on your destination. It has earned a good reputation last year foreigners in winter season.

For example,on your way to snowresort in NAGANO from airport,you can enjoy shopping in Karuizawa,SnowMonkey.The fare is not change as same as we write on our website(5:00am-22pm only)

Then when you have much luggages,we can load and carry them on our cargo,so you can sit on easy state.Our private remousine has various seat arrange,table for tea,reading,and when you are in bad conditioned,push over the seats and can take a rest.

And you can also enjoy snow activity like snowshoe,cross country skiing near our Lampya Cafe. Our snow activity